Personally, I came for the Baldwins, so I will be unsubscribing.

Also no better personality to join you on your maiden voyage than Mina! I'm zealously awaiting the conception of this show, whatever it turns into.

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Great episode!

As someone who rarely swears I do hope DKN will lighten up and allow this show to be uncensored. It doesn’t detract from my enjoyment because it’ll be great either way but it is a more authentic conversation if y’all aren’t bleeped.

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KFC!! Korean,Filipino, Cuban connection 👍🏼✌🏼

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This is the Meadowlark Project of my dreams. Thank you.

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This was a fantastic first episode!! The cherry on top would have been Billy on the podcast. Billy should be on EVERY single podcast at Meadowlark Media! He keeps things calm and respectful without even trying.

Pablo, YOU needed to be in Dans chair this past week instead of the other fill in host because it was HO-RRIFIC. You and Billy would never let that happen. It was hideous.

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‘Bout damn time. LOVED IT!

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Loved it. Great work, can’t wait for more.

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Fantastic start, lots of fun! But c'mon Pablo, we're gonna need an uncensored "no-bleep" feed!

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Love it

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Delightful episode. Can't wait to see where show goes.

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